Criminologie à portée de clic : analyse de l’usage de la revue numérique
Sarah Cameron-Pesant, Maxime Sainte-Marie, Yorrick Jansen et Vincent Larivière, «Criminologie à portée de clic : analyse de l’usage de la revue numérique», Criminologie, vol. 51 no 1 (2018) pp. 111-142.
At the end of the 1990s, Criminologie switched to a digital format, one of the first scholarly journals in Quebec to make this change. This paper provides a general overview of usage patterns for the journal, based on an analysis of 858,894 downloads extracted from the Érudit platform server logs between 2010 and 2015. In general, readership seems well established, with the majority of users in North America and Europe. The growing importance of the Érudit platform for research as well as the positive effect on research dissemination of the removal of the journal’s paywall are noteworthy. We found large differences in the distribution of articles and themed issues, with a small number of articles and themed issues accounting for a substantial part of the total journal downloads. Finally, keyword analysis of the downloaded articles revealed the importance of local concerns as well as native issues.
This content has been updated on June 14th, 2018 at 11 h 49 min.