On the shoulders of students? A bibliometric study of PhD students’ contribution to the advancement of knowledge
Larivière, V. (2010). On the shoulders of students? A bibliometric study of PhD students’ contribution to the advancement of knowledge. Book of Abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, pp. 155-157.
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Using the participation in peer reviewed publications of all doctoral students in Quebec over the 2000-2007 period this paper provides the first large scale analysis of their research effort. It shows that PhD students contribute to about a third of the publication output of the province, with doctoral students in the natural and medical sciences being present in a higher proportion of papers published than their colleagues of the social sciences and humanities. Collaboration is an important component of this socialization: disciplines in which student collaboration is higher are also those in which doctoral students are the most involved in peer-reviewed publications. In terms of scientific impact, papers co-signed by doctorate students obtain significantly lower citation rates than other Quebec papers, except in natural sciences and engineering. Finally, this paper shows that involving doctoral students in publications is positively linked with degree completion and ulterior career in research.
This content has been updated on June 2nd, 2017 at 13 h 47 min.