What determines researchers’ scientific impact? A case study of Quebec researchers
Seyez Reza Mirnezami, Catherine Beaudry et Vincent Larivière «What determines researchers’ scientific impact? A case study of Quebec researchers», Science and Public Policy, 43(2) (2016) pp. 262-274.
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Using a data set integrating information about researchers’ funding and publications in Quebec (Canada), this paper identifies the main determinants of citation counts as one measure of research impact. Using two-stage least square regressions to control for endogeneity, the results confirm the significant and positive relationship between the number of articles and citation counts. Our results also show that scientists with more articles in higher impact factor journals generally receive more citations and so do scientists who publish with a larger team of authors. Hence the greater visibility provided by a more prolific scientific production, better journals, and more co-authors, all contribute to increasing the perceived impact of articles. All else being equal, male and female receive the same number of citations. These results suggest that the most important determinants of researchers’ citations are the journals in which they publish, as well the collaborative nature of their research.
This content has been updated on May 5th, 2017 at 11 h 23 min.